From convenience stores to office supply centers, energy drinks are popular. The beverages promise to provide the energy needed to carry us through the crunch period of the day. It is undeniable how popular the drinks have become. What are we to think of this energy drink sensation, what are the side effects that we may be exposing ourselves to if we participate? How healthy are they?
The developers of energy beverages have obviously concentrated on one thing, delivering the much sought after energy punch to see us through. They concentrated on energy, what is not so clear is the energy healthy? Medical professionals are not clear about how safe these drinks are. Some Energy drinks have extreme amounts of B Vitamins at levels of 8000% over the recommended daily amounts. High amounts of other natural ingredients at least leave us with the question about how safe the drinks may be. One thing is certain they work but are we paying a price for it with our health.
Like most things, there are choices and the energy drink sensation is not without one. There are healthy energy drinks available on the market today. Some brands have even provided a complete vitamin, mineral and antioxidant supplementation into each drink. Take the concern out of whether or not the drink may be healthy, and provide a beverage that is obviously healthy. A great marketing strategy would be not only to provide energy but at the same time provide a complete vitamin and mineral supplement that replaces your pills in the morning. Now that's healthy energy without a crash or a 5 hour limit.
Antioxidants are another nutrient that is lacking in our diets. Xanthones are the most powerful of all the antioxidants that have been studied and used by the Chinese for hundreds of years. These Xanthones are also available in an energy drink. A health beverage would combine beyond the daily recommended amounts all the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in each drink. A beverage that would not only provide energy, it would provide healthy energy.

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